Cool Out Fool

Formed on the outskirts of Philadelphia in 2009, by way of Kenny’s (guitar, vocals) needs as composer on the indie film, ‘Down with the Boogey’, the song Alright! was written. He and Greg Gardner (bass, keys, percussion) quickly realized this was something worth pursuing. Fusing the worlds of garage-y classic rock, punk, blues and soul, there was something fresh yet familiar about their sound; ranging from Oblivions to Jimi Hendrix and spaces in between.

With the addition of Alec Bellenghi on drums they started writing what would eventually become the basis for Cool Out Fool and the self-titled EP (2012). Losing Alec to Florida in 2009, they looked to Dave Parker to fill the void on drums as well as Roger Marzec to fill out the sound on guitar, bass and keys. The EP was written and recorded at room 6 at Red Planet Studios and mastered by Steven LaFashia of Resonant Recording.

In 2015, a second EP was written and recorded but ultimately shelved after the departure of Marzec. Mike Ward then joined on bass. Unfortunately Parker left and what resulted was an indefinite hiatus of the band.

The recording has since been revived and a subsequent release on Room 6 Records is in the works. More to come…




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